US Bid

AS6081: Fraudulent/Counterfeit Electronics Part: Avoidance Detection, Mitigation, and Disposition Distributors

AS6081 FraudulentCounterfeit Electronics Part Avoidance Detection, Mitigation, and Disposition Distributors-compressed

USBid Inc.  is committed to being a reliable distributor of electronic components, including end-of-life and obsolete semiconductors, and other allocated or hard-to-find products. As a part of our commitment we certify SAE International’s counterfeit electronic parts risk mitigation standards.

Spread of counterfeit electronic components increases the risk of poor performance, reliability issues and safety hazards for consumers. In 2008 NASA and the Department of Defense asked SAE for ways to keep counterfeit electronics out of the aerospace industry. They developed a suite of criterions that includes a reduction control plan, supplier assessments, and product authenticity verification.


As a AS6081 compliant company USBid fulfills these SAE AS6081 requirements:

  1. Quality Management System – Firms must maintain certification to a quality management system standard such as ISO 9001, SAE AS9120 or equivalent standard issued by a certification body which is accredited for the specific standard.
  2. Fraudulent/Counterfeit Parts Mitigation Policy – Management is required to define and document its policy which is designed to prevent the purchase, acceptance, and distribution of fraudulent/counterfeit parts. The firm must also have a policy in place regarding the disposition and reporting of parts determined to be suspect, fraudulent, and /or confirmed counterfeit.
  3. Fraudulent/Counterfeit Electronic-Parts Control Plan – Distributors must develop and implement a fraudulent/counterfeit electronic parts control plan which details the processes used for risk mitigation, disposition, and reporting or fraudulent/counterfeit parts.
  4. Customer Related Contract Review, Agreement, and Execution
    -Distributors must notify customers within 5 days if commitments cannot be satisfied.
    -Firms are also required to disclose both the company name and location of their supplier in writing at the time of each individual quotation – this is a major change from previous standards.
    -Products must be warrantied for a term of at least one year.
  5. Supplier Approval and Source Selection – Distributors must assess potential suppliers in order to determine the risk of receiving fraudulent/counterfeit parts. In order to facilitate this, distributors must develop and implement a register of approved suppliers and a ranking system which uses weighted criteria establishing a rating for each supplier.
  6. Purchase Order Requirement – The firm must communicate and document contract provisions from its customer, that establish purchasing controls for fraudulent/counterfeit part avoidance on all purchase orders placed with its vendors.
  7. Supply Chain Traceability – Distributors shall document processes that require the retention of records which provide supply chain traceability through any existing intermediaries back to the OCM wherever such traceability exists.
  8. Preservation of Product – During internal processing and shipment, the product must be preserved in order to maintain conformity to requirements. This involves:
    – cleaning
    – special handling (for sensitive products)
    – proper marking and labeling
    – shelf life control
    – ESD protocols among other facets
  9.  Verification of Purchased Product – Distributors are required to verify the authenticity of a purchased product. When a customer has contractually specified that a supplier must be AS6081-certified, and wish to invoke the AS6081 process, they indicate testing and inspections based on the level of risk regarding the possibility of counterfeiting.
  10. Control of Nonconforming Product – It must be ensured that product which does not conform to product requirements is identified, segregated and controlled to prevent its unintended use or delivery.
  11. Reporting – All occurrences of suspect, fraudulent and confirmed counterfeit parts must be reported within 60 days of identification, both to internal organizations and to customers. Applicable Government authorities must be notified as well.
  12. Personnel Training – Relevant personnel must be trained (as appropriate to their function) in the avoidance, detection, mitigation, and disposal of suspect, fraudulent, and counterfeit parts. Additionally, all personnel involved with the direct handling of electronic parts must be trained in counterfeit detection techniques.
  13. Internal Audit – Periodically, firms must conduct internal audits to determine whether the company’s quality management system not only conforms to the requirements of AS6081, but is effectively implemented and maintained.

To find out more about how USBid ensures their components are reliable visit our website.

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