US Bid


The Global Marketplace
for Electronic Components

From CPUs to memory chips to sensors and everything in between, USBid is your trusted supplier for millions of high-quality, lab-tested parts.


Our catalogs contain more than 4 million SKUs of inventory from more than 1000 OEMs and Distributors globally, which provides you the resources to solve difficult sourcing problems related to long lead times.

Comprehensive Solutions for Electronic Component Distribution, Obsolescence Management, and Hard-to-Find Parts Sourcing

We specialize in electronic component distribution and semiconductor sourcing, offering solutions to manage electronic component supply chains and obsolete electronic components. Our inventory solutions for electronics and component obsolescence management ensure reliable access to hard-to-find electronic components and end-of-life components. Whether it’s electronic parts procurement, managing excess electronic inventory, or sourcing for aerospace and military electronic components, we provide comprehensive support as a global semiconductor distributor. Our services are designed to keep your operations running smoothly, even in challenging supply environments. View our flyer

Industries We Serve

Healthcare + Medical

Precision semiconductor sourcing for innovative healthcare and medical solutions.


Robust electronic component solutions tailored for dynamic industrial applications.


Specialized component sourcing driving future automotive performance and safety.

Aerospace & Military

Precision sourcing for aerospace; reliability and quality assured.

Semiconductor chip on a circuit board

One Stop. Millions of Parts.

No matter what your project requires, USBid is your one-stop shop for millions of semiconductor parts.

Group 15

Unmatched Quality and Reliability

We ensure each product we deliver is a testament to unrivaled quality and reliability — powering your success one chip at a time. See Our Quality Commitment

Engineering technician in a semiconductor testing or manufacturing lab

Lab Tested

Semiconductor testing or manufacturing lab

Trusted Suppliers

Semiconductor or electronic component being manufactured

Industry Certified

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Semiconductor or electronic component chip being held up and examined

From Automotive to Zero-Downtime Systems, We’ve Got Your Industry Covered.

With a vast selection of electronic components products, USBid proudly serves a myriad of industries such as healthcare, automotive, telecommunications and more —  aligning innovation with excellence to meet your sector’s specific needs.

What do our customers say about us?

“We LOVE working with USBid! They offer wonderful service, competitive pricing, guaranteed quality, and a large inventory of components.”
— Chris, North Carolina
“Great service for obsolete parts.”
— Kevin Toronto, Canada
“Excellent service and prompt delivery.”
— Brian, United States
“Quality of parts and delivery time is very good.”
— Suchika, India
“Bruce Eenhuis has been very helpful in finding what we need and keeping me updated with the status.”
— Barb, United States
“You can usually find parts that I am unable to find.”
— Danyette, United States

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